
class eda_report.document.ReportDocument(data: Iterable, *, title: str = 'Exploratory Data Analysis Report', graph_color: str = 'cyan', groupby_variable: str | int = None, output_filename: str = 'eda-report.docx', table_style: str = 'Table Grid')[source]#

Bases: _ReportContent

Creates a report Document with analysis results.

The report consists of 3 main sections:

  1. An Overview of the data and its features.

  2. Univariate Analysis: Summary statistics and graphs for each feature.

  3. Bivariate Analysis: Pair-wise comparisons of numerical features.

  • data (Iterable) – The data to analyze.

  • title (str, optional) – The title to assign the report. Defaults to “Exploratory Data Analysis Report”.

  • graph_color (str, optional) – The color to apply to the graphs. Defaults to “cyan”.

  • groupby_variable (Union[str, int], optional) – The column to use to group values. Defaults to None.

  • output_filename (str, optional) – The name/path to save the document to. Defaults to “eda-report.docx”.

  • table_style (str, optional) – The style to apply to the tables created. Defaults to “Table Grid”.